CGC School Of Ministry

About CGC School Of Ministry

The Centers of the Great Commission School of Ministry curriculum is an in-depth study of the Word of God pertaining to each government office that God has set in place for His church system. The government found in “Ephesians 4:11-12” includes the office of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.

What We Do

Our students will complete each course curriculum and maintain a lifestyle worthy of the calling that God has charged them with. This school was founded on fasting and prayer, therefore, the students are required to have a relationship with God through prayer and His word. Fasting is also an integral part of the courses. Fasting helps breakdown the carnal man that the spirit man may receive what is being taught.

The CGC School of Ministry is a spiritual school, so as a student, you will encounter many things of the spiritual realm, both positive and negative. There will be classes taught on demons and their functions, as necessary. The school will challenge your ability to hear God, your faithfulness, and your dependability to your call. You will learn about your office, your gifts, the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. In addition, we will teach you how to get your mind set for ministry. Romans 8:7 declares that “…the carnal mind is enmity against God: and is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be”. You will also learn how to instill and promote discipline in prayer, study time in the Word, and your overall life.

The Centers of the Great Commission School of Ministry is designed to make you the best in your purpose for God, and the winning of souls. Upon completing these courses, you will know if you have truly been called, chosen, or if you’re just a volunteer.


Our CGC Team

Brittney Williams

CGC Coordinator

Julia Williams

Director Of Education

Chardrick Louis

Director Of Finance

Nisa Alston

Public Relations

Larry Brown


Corey Richardson

Apostle Admin

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