Apostle Donald Graham
The Beginning
Apostle Donald Graham was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. At the age of 11, he was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, and shortly thereafter he received a visitation from an angel that told him his life was already planned and that he was called to be a Prophet. Later, athletic scholarships would lead him to the city of Atlanta, Georgia where he attended Morehouse College and afterwards he would pursue a professional basketball career but was deterred by an injury. This led him back to Chicago’s life of drug dealing, drug use, and crime.

Apostle Donald Graham
The Change
After facing prison time, Apostle Graham decided to go into the military and during his service in the Air Force, his injury escalated to an irreversible condition. Yet after recommitting his life to Jesus; God healed him from a crippling condition and also delivered him from a severe drug addiction. Due to his deliverance, God has used him to do tremendous works in the kingdom and in 1988, he successfully completed the School of Ministry with credentials to walk and operate in the Five-Fold Government of God.

Apostle Donald Graham Teaching
Since then, Apostle Donald Graham has ministered under the fire of the Holy Ghost for over 26 years and has birthed many churches and ministries across America through the CGC School of Ministry and impartation services. He also covers many churches and ministries in America and other countries by which he instills the life of integrity and character. His prophetic mantle has carried him across the world ministering to government officials, leaders of the Body of Christ, and the saints of God. His impact in Africa, Mexico, Italy, and England has left a trail of people healed from sickness and diseases, delivered form demonic oppressions, and set free from the yokes of bondage.
His passion is to see the Body of Christ in alignment with God’s order and love and to demonstrate not only the gifts of the Spirit, but the fruits as well. Apostle Donald Graham, and his wife Prophetess Anita Graham, are currently the CEO’s of the Centers of the Great Commission (CGC) located in Atlanta, Ga, which is the headquarters. And he is also the founder of New Wine Christian Center, in Atlanta, Ga and the CGC School of Ministry. Apostle Graham and his wife have raised seven children and continue to nurture several sons and daughters in the spirit.